Law - University of Melbourne
The SHK Scholarship, VIC
For 2020, the SHK Asia Pacific Scholarship has been awarded to Eleanor Ryan (born in 1993, from Canberra and currently residing in Victoria). Eleanor is undertaking a Juris Doctorate at University of Melbourne and is about to start her third and final year after achieving very strong academic results for 2019.
Eleanor’s career goal is to, “Pursue a career in administrative law, helping people challenge the actions of government. Having worked as a public servant, I have seen the benefits that good government policy and decision-making can have on people’s lives. However, I have also seen how the same vulnerable people are failed by governments time and time again, with little recourse to challenge the government’s decisions.”
In terms of community engagement, Eleanor states, “My involvement in the queer community during my Juris Doctor has been great and has made me feel more involved in university life than I did during my undergraduate degree.”