Donate now and become a member

No-one should be held back because of who they are or how they identify.

Your tax-deductible donation will support the provision of educational scholarships, mentoring and opportunities to young LGBTQIA+ Australians and be recognised at the relevant membership level.

asian student


Donation of $50,000+ upfront or over three years

Perpetual recognition as a Cornerstone Member on the Pinnacle website

Invitation for you and your partner to attend an annual dinner for up to five years

Invitations to bespoke events hosted by or for the Foundation throughout the year

10% discount to attend the LGBTQIA+ Executive Fellowship - The University of Sydney Business School (flag when applying)

Celebrate your involvement with the Foundation by hosting a Picnic for Pinnacle

Access to the Pinnacle scholar, alumni, leadership and board networks to attend/present at your events designed to raise awareness of the incredible contributions young LGBTQIA+ Australians make to our society and of the challenges many young LGBTQIA+ Australians continue to face because of how they identify

Opportunity to name a scholarship for up to five* years

Receive bi-annual reports on the progress of your scholar

* Naming a scholarship to be awarded in perpetuity requires a gift of at least $375,000. To explore this option, please contact Andrew Staite, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director on +61 411 111 154 or [email protected].

male student sitting on the floor


Annual donation of $10,000+

Recognition as a Foundation Member on the Pinnacle website

Invitations to bespoke events hosted by or for the Foundation throughout the year

Scope for you to host fundraising events for the Foundation in your state/territory

10% discount to attend the LGBTQIA+ Executive Fellowship - The University of Sydney Business School (flag when applying)

Celebrate your involvement with the Foundation by hosting a Picnic for Pinnacle

Option to upgrade to Cornerstone Membership

student with glasses


Annual donation of $5,000+

Recognition as a Foundation Supporter on the Pinnacle website

Invitations to bespoke events hosted by or for the Foundation

10% discount to attend the LGBTQIA+ Executive Fellowship - The University of Sydney Business School (flag when applying)

Celebrate your involvement with the Foundation by hosting a Picnic for Pinnacle


Annual donation of $1,000+

Recognition as a Foundation Associate on the Pinnacle website

10% discount to attend the LGBTQIA+ Executive Fellowship - The University of Sydney Business School (flag when applying)

Celebrate your involvement with the Foundation by hosting a Picnic for Pinnacle