Bequests – Planned Giving


There are lots of scholarships and most of them are wonderful investments in the future of admirable young people. But the Pinnacle scholarships are special. They lift up young people who are not only talented but have often faced dire problems with their families, beliefs and communities. Helping young people to restore confidence in themselves and a trust in the goodness of society that once seemed hostile is something very precious.

The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG

Former Justice of the High Court of Australia

The Pinnacle Foundation provides educational scholarships, mentoring and opportunities for young LGBTQIA+ Australians to realise their full potential.

Your bequest will help to educate and sustainably transform the lives of future generations of young LGBTQIA+ Australians.

Leaving a gift to The Pinnacle Foundation

To ensure your assets and belongings go directly to the people you love and the causes you are passionate about, it is essential to write a will. A solicitor can help draft your will to ensure your wishes are clear.

A bequest is a gift left in your will. You can leave a bequest by writing a new will, or by adding a codicil (an addition) to your existing will.

221001 Pinnacle Foundation HQ Selects 310

How do I make a bequest to the Pinnacle Foundation?

Typically, the types of bequest gift you might consider are:

Residuary gift

With this gift you leave a percentage of your estate after other distributions. A residuary gift will keep up with inflation. It is a simple way to give a gift of real value

Specific gift

A specific bequest is the gift of particular items, and could include antiques, jewellery or paintings

Percentage of your estate

Allows you to decide what percentage of your total estate you would like to give to Pinnacle. If your estate grows or depreciates over time, your family and friends, or other beneficiaries, will not be disadvantaged by fluctuations

Pecuniary gift

Simply put, this is a fixed sum of money, large or small, that you wish to leave to us

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I give, free of any relevant duties, charges or taxes [the residue of my estate / % of my whole estate / % of the residue of my estate / the specific sum of $ / list specific items or property details] to The Pinnacle Foundation (ABN 81 127 662 604) of PO Box 990 Potts Point NSW 1335 Australia, absolutely for the general purposes of The Pinnacle Foundation. I direct that a receipt of The Pinnacle Foundation should be a sufficient discharge of my Trustee or Executor.

We prefer gifts to be of a general nature. If you are considering a gift for a specific purpose, please discuss this with us or your solicitor first to ensure your wishes are fulfilled.


A bequest of at least $375,000 will enable us to create a named scholarship to honour your memory or that of a loved one or friend in perpetuity.

The scholarship will be awarded in years when investment returns on the bequest principal are sufficient, while preserving the bequest principal.

For further information

If you plan to leave a bequest to The Pinnacle Foundation, or have already included the Foundation in your will, please let us know. With your permission, we may recognise you as a legacy supporter. We thank you for your generosity.

For more information or to discuss your gift in will, please contact:

Andrew Staite

Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director

0411 111 154

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