Kierem - Headshot

Kierem (he/him)

Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws (Socio Legal)

The Maddocks Scholarship, NSW

Hi! My name is Kierem, and I am studying a Bachelor of Laws/ Arts at The University of Sydney. I am overjoyed to have been awarded the Maddocks Scholarship by The Pinnacle Foundation in 2024. Growing up in the Hills district, I did not see a lot of queer representation. I spent many years confused about who I was and the opportunities for people like me in the world. Studying at an inner-city university has allowed me to meet queer academics and peers, provided a safe space for self-exploration, and concretised how I can use my passions for change.

I am extremely proud to have become so closely invested in the Sydney University Law Society Queer Committee, and a contributor to Yemaya, SULS’s interdisciplinary journal on gender and sexuality. Whilst I am not yet sure where my degree will lead me, I am passionate about gaining a legal education that can one day open doors to give back to my community.

I owe my deepest gratitude to Maddocks for sponsoring this scholarship, which will enable me to accept a position at Harvard Summer School in July and join a network of inspiring queer students and mentors.