James - Headshot

James (he/him)

Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Psychology


Kaya, my name is James, I am a queer Ngarrindjeri man who was born and raised on Noongar Whadjuck Boodjar (Southwest Australia), in Boorloo (Perth). I am midway through the combined Masters/PhD in Clinical Psychology program at the University of Western Australia, and a current Provisional Psychologist. My goal is to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and LGBTQIA+ people as a clinical psychologist to help them make the changes that they want to see in their lives. My studies are a stepping stone towards providing psychological care that is accepted by my communities and research the questions that my communities want answered.

The Pinnacle Foundation scholarship will support me to have a smoother journey through my studies, and I really look forward to connecting with everyone in the Pinnacle family.