Adam Lees 2024

Adam Lees (he/him)

Non-Executive Director; Member of the People, Remuneration & Nominations Committee

BA (Griffith University, Grad Dip (Monash University)

Adam is the director of New Moon Consulting. With over 20 years of experience in the global mining and energy sectors, he has held senior leadership and executive roles with many of the world’s leading mining and resources companies.

Raised in the remote mining town of Mount Isa in the mid-1980s, Adam is familiar with the struggles and challenges many young people experience in regional communities. As a First Nations and Australian of mixed ancestry, he mentors and leads many emerging LGBTQIA+ professionals and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees in the resources sector and beyond.

Adam holds degrees from Griffith University, QUT, and Monash University, specialising in stakeholder engagement, communication, crisis management, and environmental approvals​. He is also a nationally accredited mediator.