
Xavier (he/him)

Bach Law and Bach Business

The IOOF Foundation Scholarship, VIC

Hello, my name is Xavier, and I am studying a double Bachelors Degree of Law/Business at Swinburne University of Technology at the Hawthorn Campus. I am a third-year student, and I am undertaking a five-year course.

I grew up in Regional Victoria in a low socio-economic background with significant wider family challenges including issues of abuse and substance abuse. I am a survivor, thriver, and an ambitious person. I am a cis gay male now living in Melbourne.

I want to be part of a catalyst which helps achieve higher rates of equality and acceptability among the communities I am part of. I want to help the poor become visible and make radical change to systems which prevent and discriminate against the low socio-economic class. I want to use voice for the voiceless. While I am fighting for causes, I am passionate about, I concurrently want to spread love and kindness.

I would love to thank the IOOF Foundation and The Pinnacle Foundation for the generosity of granting me the IOOF Foundation Scholarship. This is going to be imperative for me next year while tackling my studies. I express immense gratitude to IOOF and cannot wait to represent IOOF as their scholar and make them proud.