
Ren (she/her)

Bachelor of Law / Bachelor of Science (Enivromental Biology)

Commonwealth Bank Scholarship, NSW

Hello, my name is Ren. I am currently in my third year of a five-year double degree in Bachelor of Law/ Bachelor of Science (environmental Biology) at University of Technology. Growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s has meant that I have witnessed the dramatic changes in climatic patterns which has motivated me to take action through pairing a law degree with a science degree in order to have both the legal and scientific skills and knowledge to work in the field as an environmental lawyer.

I would like to thank you for being a donor and helping me realise my career goals through your funding of this mentorship and scholarship program. Your generosity means that I do not have to worry about being able to afford university textbooks and other university-related expenses and has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.