Alumni Board Program faq
1. What is the program all about?
The Pinnacle Alumni Board Development Program is a new initiative by The Pinnacle Foundation to develop its alumni as they develop their careers and grow as leaders of LGBTIQ+ inclusion. As a successful, national not-for-profit, the board of The Pinnacle Foundation and its extended volunteer team, are eager to continue their strong support of LGBTIQ+ youth following their scholarship.
2. What is a board?
The board of The Pinnacle Foundation is the main governing structure. They are a diverse group of experienced professionals who help Pinnacle to make strategic decisions to grow and develop in line with our strong values. You will learn much more about the board, and its structure and purpose, across the program. In the meantime, if you have more questions you can meet our board members, read more about boards generally here (link to, or send questions to myself via [email protected].
3. Can I apply if I am a current Pinnacle scholar, or not a Pinnacle scholar alumni?
No. This program is only for those who are alumni of a Pinnacle Foundation scholarship. If you are a current scholar, you will be eligible when your scholarship ends.
4. What time commitment does it involve?
The hours of this program may fluctuate week to week throughout the duration of the program, however on average this will require 1-3 hours per fortnight. This will include support sessions with a board partner, professional development, and attending two board meetings.
5. When are the meetings I attend?
From the start of the program in November 2022 to the end of the program in July 2023, there are five board meetings. You will need to attend two of these. It is expected that one of these be the 29 November meeting, and the second will be chosen by you. You will also attend two special interest meetings with a sub-committee of the board, and there will be a flexible number of meetings with a chosen board partner. It is important to be able to attend all meetings, hence the program has been designed with flexibility in mind.
6. I don’t have any board or governance experience.
No worries! This program is all about expanding the knowledge, skills and experiences of our Pinnacle scholar alumni. There is no requirement to have had any experience within the areas of boards or governance, or even not-for-profits!
7. How do I apply?
Please submit an application through the link included in the email.